Rachel Carson College Faculty Fellows
Sikina Jinnah is Rachel Carson College's new faculty chair!
The Chair of the Faculty is an Academic Senate member, other than the Provost, who is elected by the college Faculty to serve a two year term, and will serve as a member of the Executive Committee.
Dr. Jinnah is an Associate Professor in the Politics Department, an affiliated faculty member in the Environmental Studies Department, and a 2017 Andrew Carnegie Fellow. Her research focuses on the shifting locations of power and influence in global environmental governance, and in particular the role of transnational actors in environmental decision-making. Her most recent projects examine how key norms in global climate politics shape power relations, the role of U.S. preferential trade agreements in shaping environmental policy in trading partner nations, and the politics of climate engineering governance.
- Pronouns she, her, her, hers, herself
- Title
- Professor
- Ruth & Alfred Heller Chair in Agroecology
- Faculty Director, Center for Agroecology
- Division Social Sciences Division
- Department
- Environmental Studies Department
- Affiliations Center for Agroecology & Sustainable Food Systems, Dolores Huerta Research Center for the Americas
- Phone 831-459-1549
- Fax 831-459-4015
- Website
- Office Location
- Nat Sci 2 Main Building, 473
- Office Hours Fall 2024 - Mondays 4-5:45 (ON ZOOM, see sign up @ WebSites)
- Mail Stop Environmental Studies
- Mailing Address
- 1156 High Street
- Santa Cruz CA 95064
- Faculty Areas of Expertise Ecology, Conservation, Agroecology and Agriculture, Environmental Studies, Mexico
- Courses ENVS 230 - Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture, ENVS 131 - Insect Ecology, ENVS 130C - Field Research Experiences in Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems
Research Interests
Key Interests: agroecology, biodiversity, climate change, community ecology, conservation biology, ecosystem services, food sovereignty, landscape ecology, insects, tropical biology, urban ecology
My research is situated at the intersesction of agroecology and conservation biology and is generally aimed at understanding how agroecological management of farms and landscapes can contribute to biodiversity conservation, sustainable agricultural production, and to improvement of farmer well-being. I strive to select research themes and projects that both advance our knowledge of basic ecological principals, but that also have strong applications. Over my career, I have focused on two systemms - coffee agroecosystems, mainly in Chiapas, Mexico, and urban agroecosysstems, mainly in California.
Biography, Education and Training
B.S. in Zoology (University of Washington, 1995)
Ph.D. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (University of Michigan, 2004)
Honors, Awards and Grants
2021 - Ecological Society of America Fellow
2020 - Ashton Prize for Best Student Paper - Jimenez-Soto et al. (2019) Biotropica 51:50-61
2020 - Most Cited Article Award - Hall et al. (2017) Conservation Biology 31:24-29
2018 - Most Cited Article Award - Lin et al. (2015) Basic and Applied Ecology 16:189-201
2017 - UCSC Chancellor's Achievement Award for Diversity
2011 - Dion D Raftopoulos Award for Outstanding Research, Sigma Xi, U. of Toledo
2011 - Faculty Excellence Award, U. of Toledo
2010 - Outstanding Advisor Award Nominee, U. of Toledo
2010 - Master Teacher Award, U. of Toledo
2010 - Highlight Article Award - Livingston & Philpott (2010) Ecological Research 25:1129-1140
2010 - Top Cited Article Award - Philpott & Armbrecht (2006) Ecological Entommology 31:369-377
2009 - Must Read Article Award from Faculty of 1000 Biology - Philpott et al. (2009) Ecological Applications 19:1858-1867
Selected Publications
For a full list of my publications, please see: https://philpottlab.sites.ucsc.edu/publications/