Welcome to being a UCSC Alumni!

When you graduate, you will join a powerful network of more than 100,000 Banana Slug alumni. As UC Santa Cruz embarks on our next 50 years, all benefits and services through the Alumni Network are completely FREE. To access these services, make sure to update your post-graduation contact information, including your email and city, to receive information about alumni events near you, networking opportunities, services, and discounts for alumni. Update your contact information at alumni.ucsc.edu, and explore the page to learn more about the programs and services available to you. 

The job market is almost here, are you ready?

With graduation a few months away, now is a great time to start building your network and getting advice from alumni. Take advantage of the Career Advice Network, where you can search an online database of 400 plus alums, and connect with someone in your career fieldl. This is your chance to get your questions answered. It takes less than five minutes to sign up, and you can connect with as many alums as you want! Questions? Email klinder@ucsc.edu.