Rachel Carson College Faculty Fellows
Sikina Jinnah is Rachel Carson College's new faculty chair!
The Chair of the Faculty is an Academic Senate member, other than the Provost, who is elected by the college Faculty to serve a two year term, and will serve as a member of the Executive Committee.
Dr. Jinnah is an Associate Professor in the Politics Department, an affiliated faculty member in the Environmental Studies Department, and a 2017 Andrew Carnegie Fellow. Her research focuses on the shifting locations of power and influence in global environmental governance, and in particular the role of transnational actors in environmental decision-making. Her most recent projects examine how key norms in global climate politics shape power relations, the role of U.S. preferential trade agreements in shaping environmental policy in trading partner nations, and the politics of climate engineering governance.
- Pronouns he, him, his, his, himself
- Title
- Distinguished Professor Emeritus
- Division Baskin School of Engineering
- Department
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Phone (650) 576-9208
- Website
- Office Location
- Engineering Building 2, --
- Office Hours --
- Mail Stop SOE3
- Mailing Address
- 1156 High Street
- Santa Cruz CA 95064
- Faculty Areas of Expertise Computer Networks, Network Technology, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Mathematical Modeling
Research Interests
- Computer communication
- Internet
- Wireless networks
- Internet of Things
- Cyber-physical systems
- Distributed algorithms
Biography, Education and Training
J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves is a Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC). He is a Canada Excellence Research Chair and Professor in The Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Toronto. He is also a Visiting Professor at the Computing Research Center of the National Polytechnic Institute in Mexico City, Mexico.
He received the B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City, Mexico in 1977; and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI in 1980 and 1983, respectively. He has been a Principal Scientist at the Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), a Center Director at SRI International (SRI) in Menlo Park, California, a Visiting Professor at Sun Laboratories in Menlo Park, California, and a Principal of Protocol Design at Nokia in Mountain View, California.
Dr. Garcia-Luna-Aceves was elected a Corresponding Member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences in 2013. He is a life fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); and a fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA), and the National Academy of Inventors (NAI).
He received the 2023 Harry H. Goode Memorial Award “for significant and pioneering contributions to algorithms, protocols and architectures for routing in computer networks and the Internet.” He received the 2016 IEEE MILCOM Technical Achievement Award for sustained contributions to military communications. He received the IEEE Communications Society Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Technical Committee (AHSN TC) Technical Recognition Award in 2012 “for fundamental contributions to the theory and design of communication protocols for routing and channel access in ad-hoc wireless networks.” He received the IEEE Computer Society Technical Achievement Award in 2011 "for pioneering contributions to the theory and design of communication protocols for ad-hoc wireless networks." He was also the co-recipient of the George E. Pake Golden Oak Award from PARC in 2017 for his contributions to the Content-Centric Networking (CCN) patent portfolio.
Dr. Garcia-Luna-Aceves holds more than 75 US patents and has published more than 500 papers in journals, conferences, and books. His h-index currently stands at 104. He is a co-recipient of the IEEE Fred W. Ellersick 2008 MILCOM Award for best unclassified paper, and has received Best Paper Awards at ACM PE-WASUN 2022, the International Conference on Ubiquitous Networking `22, IEEE LCN 2022, ACM ICN 2020, IEEE IPCCC 2018, the European Wireless Conference 2010, IEEE MASS 2008, SPECTS 2007, IFIP Networking 2007, IEEE MASS 2005 conferences, and the 1998 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. He received the SRI International Exceptional-Achievement Award in 1985 and 1989, and is listed in Marquis Who's Who in America and Who's Who in The World.
He has served as the Inaugural Chair of the ACM Special Interest Group on Multimedia and as General Chair of numerous conferences, including IEEE MASS 2023, IEEE ICNC 2016, ACM MSWIM 2015, ACM MobiCom 2008, IEEE SECON 2005, ACM Multimedia '93, and ACM SIGCOMM '88. He has also served as Program Chair of ACM MobiHoc 2002, ACM MobiCom 2000, IEEE MULTIMEDIA '92, ACM SIGCOMM '87, and ACM SIGCOMM '86.
Dr. Garcia-Luna-Aceves has directed more than 40 Ph.D. theses and more than 40 M.S. theses at UCSC. He directed the Computer Communication Research Group (CCRG) for 30 years, served as the Department Chair of the Computer Engineering Department and the Computer Science and Engineering Department, and also served as Campus Director of CITRIS and the Banatao Institute.
Teaching Interests
Computer communication, applied discrete mathematics, performance analysis