Our Staff


Shelly Grabe, Provost

sgrabe@ucsc.edu, she/her/hers

Shelly seeks to enrich the academic experience for all Rachel Carson College students. She works closely with the Senior Director to integrate the academic with the social, cultural, and residential programs in the college. She also oversees the Carson core course.
Mari Ortiz-McGuire

Mari Ortiz-McGuire, Associate Director for College Student Life

(831) 459-2796, mcmcguir@ucsc.edu, she/her/hers

Mari is responsible for the residential and housing programs at Rachel Carson College. She works closely with the Residential Life team, intervenes on community issues, and is available for appointments and drop-in visits from students and staff.


Erica Little, Assistant Director of Residential Education

(831) 459-5224, eslittle@ucsc.edu, she/her/hers

Erica assists the residential and housing programs at Rachel Carson College. She works closely with the Residential Life team and intervenes on community issues.


Amy Vincent, Assistant to the Senior Director

(831) 459-2922, asvincen@ucsc.edu, (she/her/they/them)

Amy is responsible for providing administrative support to the Senior Director and assists with a wide range of activities within student life at Rachel Carson College.


Ella Carroll, College Academic Manager

(831) 459-2418, ellac@ucsc.edu she/her/hers

Ella provides administrative and academic support to the Provost. She assists in the coordination of the Core Course and other courses offered by the college and is responsible for special student project grants and funds.


Colleges Advising at Rachel Carson College
(831) 459-2025 | carsonadvising@ucsc.edu

College Advisors at Rachel Carson College can help:

⦿ Choose classes and create a two-year academic plan to qualify for a major.
⦿ Access support services available across the campus.
⦿ Find enriching opportunities, such as workshops regarding internships, study skills, time management or career planning, etc.
⦿ Understand policies and requirements for non-major requirements for graduation.
⦿ Discuss academic concerns.
⦿ Figure out who to speak to when we cannot answer your questions.

Meet our advisors and learn how to meet with us/contact us on our main Rachel Carson Advising site.


Addereley Dannley-Bearden, Housing Coordinator

(831) 459-3335, , she/her/hers

Addereley offers administrative housing support to Rachel Carson College residents, coordinates housing logistics, and offers assistance to the CREs.


Stef Lucero, Coordinator for Residential Education (CRE)

(831) 459-3397, stlucero@ucsc.edu, she/they

Stef helps to supervise the overall residential life programs and staff. They are also available for consultation about matters relative to students needs and concerns in the residential environment, including student behavior and conduct.


Clarissa Molina, Coordinator for Residential Education (CRE)

(831) 459-5547, clamolin@ucsc.edu, she/her/hers

Clarissa helps to supervise the overall residential life programs and staff. She is also available for consultation about matters relative to students needs and concerns in the residential environment, including student behavior and conduct.


Mary Sierra, College Budget Analyst

(831) 459-2037, mjsierra@ucsc.edu

Mary manages all the financial transactions of the colleges.


Vacant, Senior Director for College Student Life 

(831) 459-5015

The Senior Director is responsible for the Student Life Programs at Rachel Carson College. They work closely with the Academic, Program, and Residential Life teams. They serve as an advocate and support person for members of the Rachel Carson Community.  


Vacant, College Assistant

(831) 459-2361 

The College Assistant provides information and support to the college community as well as supervising the mailroom.



Vacant, College Programs Coordinator (CPC)

(831) 459-4902

The College Programs Coordinator manages all social, cultural, and educational college programs and events, including graduation and orientation. She also works with the academic staff and Core Course to promote academic success and advises the Rachel Carson College Council.



Vacant, Student Life Assistant

(831) 459-4279

The Student Life Assistant manages the use of facilities for programs and events at Rachel Carson College. They also work to support the College Programs Coordinator with events and programming that take place throughout the year.


Carol Mikols, Residential Community Service Partner, (formerly CSO)

(831) 459-2100


David Bonilla, Residential Community Service Partner, (formerly CSO)

(831) 459-2100


Jerry Soper, Residential Community Service Partner, (formerly CSO)

(831) 459-2100