Rachel Carson College Faculty Fellows

Sikina Jinnah

Sikina Jinnah is Rachel Carson College's new faculty chair!

The Chair of the Faculty is an Academic Senate member, other than the Provost, who is elected by the college Faculty to serve a two year term, and will serve as a member of the Executive Committee.

Dr. Jinnah is an Associate Professor in the Politics Department, an affiliated faculty member in the Environmental Studies Department, and a 2017 Andrew Carnegie Fellow. Her research focuses on the shifting locations of power and influence in global environmental governance, and in particular the role of transnational actors in environmental decision-making. Her most recent projects examine how key norms in global climate politics shape power relations, the role of U.S. preferential trade agreements in shaping environmental policy in trading partner nations, and the politics of climate engineering governance. 

Patrick Y Chuang
  • Pronouns He/his/him
  • Title
    • Professor
  • Division Physical & Biological Sciences Division
  • Department
    • Earth & Planetary Sciences Department
    • Institute of Marine Sciences
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Website
  • Office Location
    • Earth & Marine Sciences, A254
    • Lab: Earth and Marine Sciences C348
  • Mail Stop Earth and Planetary Sciences
  • Mailing Address
    • Earth and Planetary Sciences
    • Santa Cruz CA 95064
  • Faculty Areas of Expertise Climate Change, Atmospheric Science

Summary of Expertise

Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry

Research Interests

My research group's main interests are in the interaction among clouds, aerosols, and climate. Clouds are important to a number of key climate processes, such as precipitation, the Earth's energy balance, biogeochemical cycles, and atmospheric transport. They are also amongst the most poorly understood components of the climate system, and thus pose serious limitations on our ability to predict how Earth's climate may change in the future.

If you would like to learn more, please check out my website, send me an email, or drop by my office.

Biography, Education and Training

B. Sc., Chemical Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
M. Sc., Ph. D., Environmental Engineering Science, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA

Teaching Interests

Environmental science, atmospheric science, climate science