Rachel Carson College Faculty Fellows
Sikina Jinnah is Rachel Carson College's new faculty chair!
The Chair of the Faculty is an Academic Senate member, other than the Provost, who is elected by the college Faculty to serve a two year term, and will serve as a member of the Executive Committee.
Dr. Jinnah is an Associate Professor in the Politics Department, an affiliated faculty member in the Environmental Studies Department, and a 2017 Andrew Carnegie Fellow. Her research focuses on the shifting locations of power and influence in global environmental governance, and in particular the role of transnational actors in environmental decision-making. Her most recent projects examine how key norms in global climate politics shape power relations, the role of U.S. preferential trade agreements in shaping environmental policy in trading partner nations, and the politics of climate engineering governance.
- Title
- Professor
- Division Physical & Biological Sciences Division
- Department
- Chemistry & Biochemistry Department
- Phone 831-459-1952 (Office), 831-502-7363 (Lab)
- Website
- Office Location
- Physical Sciences Building, 160
- Physical Sciences Bldg 160 (Office)
- Physical Sciences Bldg 198 (Lab)
- Mail Stop Chemistry
- Mailing Address
- 1156 High Street
- Santa Cruz CA 95064
- Faculty Areas of Expertise Chemistry, Material Science, Energy
- Courses CHEM 146C Advanced Physical Chemistry Laboratory, CHEM 164 Physical Chemistry Laboratory, CHEM 163A Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy, CHEM 268 Solid State and Material Chemistry
Summary of Expertise
Nanomaterials Synthesis; 3D printing; Electro- and Photoelectrochemical Catalysis; Supercapacitors and Batteries; Microbial Fuel Cells
Research Interests
The Li lab focuses on the rational design and fabrication of functional materials using a combination of conventional chemical synthesis methods and 3D printing techniques. These architected materials could serve as versatile platforms to study fundamental science questions and open up new technological opportunities. We seek to understand and tailor the physical/chemical properties of these materials for addressing challenges in climate change-related research directions, including carbon capture and utilization, electro-and photoelectrochemical catalysis, and energy storage (supercapacitors and batteries).
Biography, Education and Training
B.Sc. (1999), Ph.D. (2002), The University of Hong Kong
Postdoctoral Fellow (2002-2003), The University of Hong Kong
Postdoctoral Fellow (2003-2007), Harvard University
Honors, Awards and Grants
2017-2023 Highly Cited Researcher (Clarivate Analytics)
2022 Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC)
2018 CAPA Distinguished Faculty Award (Chinese-American Chemistry & Chemical Biology Professors Association)
2012, 2013 Kavli Fellow, National Academy of Sciences
2009-2014 U.S. National Science Foundation CAREER Award
2009-2011 Senior Visiting Scholar Fellowship, Fudan University, China
2008-2010 Visiting Scientist Fellowship, National Center for Electron Microscopy, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
2003-2005 Croucher Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship, Croucher Foundation, Hong Kong
2002 Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowship, Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund, Hong Kong
2002 Li Po Chun Postgraduate Scholarship, The University of Hong Kong
Selected Publications
- Xue X., Liu Z., Eisenberg S., Ren Q., Lin D., Coester E., Zhang H., Zhang J. Z., Wang X., Li Y. Regulated Interfacial Proton and Water Activity Enhances Mn2+/MnO2 Platform Voltage and Energy Efficiency, ACS Energy Letters, 8, 4658−4665 (2023)
- Freyman M. C., Huang Z., Ravikumar D., Duoss E. B., Li Y., Baker S. E., Pang S. H., Schaidle J. A. Reactive CO2 Capture: A Path Forward for Process Integration in Carbon Management, Joule, 7, 631-651 (2023)
- Chandrasekaran S., Lin D., Li Y., Worsley M. A. Aerogels, Additive Manufacturing, and Energy Storage, Joule, 7, 1-18 (2023)
- Lin D., Chandrasekaran S., Forien J. B., Xue X., Pinongcos A., Coester E., Worsley M. A., Li Y. 3D-printed Graded Electrode with Ultrahigh MnO2 Loading for Non-aqueous Electrochemical Energy Storage, Adv. Energy Mater., 2300408 (2023)
- Kou T., Wang S., Yang S., Ren Q., Ball R., Rao D., Chiovoloni S., Lu J., Zhang Z., Duoss E., Li Y. Amorphous CeO2-Cu Heterostructure Enhances CO2 Electroreduction to Multi-carbon Alcohols, ACS Mater. Lett., 4, 10, 1999–2008 (2022)
- Kou T., Wang S. and Li Y. Perspective on High-Rate Alkaline Water Splitting, ACS Mater. Lett., 3, 224-234 (2021)
- Prototypical Study of Double-layered Cathodes for Aqueous Rechargeable Static Zn-I2 Batteries, Nano Lett., 21, 9, 4129–4135 (2021)
- Printing Porous Carbon Aerogels for Low-Temperature Supercapacitors, Nano Lett., 21, 9, 3731–3737 (2021)
- Cu2O/CuS Nanocomposites Show Excellent Selectivity and Stability for Formate Generation via Electrochemical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide, ACS Mater. Lett., 3, 100-109 (2021)
- Periodic Porous 3D Electrodes Mitigate Gas Bubble Traffic during Alkaline Water Electrolysis at High Current Densities, Adv. Energy Mater., 10, 2002955 (2020)
- Carbon Doping Switching on the Hydrogen Adsorption Activity of NiO for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction, Nat. Commun., 11:590 (2020)
- 3D Printed Structure Boosts the Kinetics and Intrinsic Capacitance of Pseudocapacitive Graphene Aerogels, Adv. Mater., 1906652 (2020)
- 3D Printing of Living Bacteria Electrode, Nano Research, 13(5), 1318-1323 (2020)
- Efficient 3D Printed Pseudocapacitive Electrodes with Ultrahigh MnO2 Loading, Joule, 3, 459-470 (2019)
- Kou T., Smart T., Yao B., Chen I., Thota D., Ping Y., Li Y. Theoretical and Experimental Insight into the Effect of Nitrogen Doping on Hydrogen Evolution Activity of Ni3S2 in Alkaline Medium, Adv. Energy Mater., 8, 1703538 (2018)
- Multi-scale Pore Network Boosts Capacitance of Carbon Electrodes for Ultrafast Charging, Nano Lett., 17, 3097-3104 (2017)
- Supercapacitors Based on 3D Hierarchical Graphene Aerogels with Periodic Macropores, Nano Lett., 16, 3448-3456 (2016)