Announcing the Niebanck Founder's Prize!
Paul Niebanck was the Founding Provost of College Eight (now Rachel Carson College) in 1972-73. In his honor, a group of friends and alumni have created an endowment to fund an annual $2,500 prize to a UCSC student whose work contributes original and innovative insight into the idea and practices of environmental analysis and planning in the urban and built environment, broadly defined.
All UCSC undergraduate students, of any college or major, are eligible.
To be eligible for the prize, a student’s work must be intentional, substantial, and exceptional. It may take the form of a senior thesis, internship, field project, community service, independent research, or any other individual or small group work that is appropriately supervised and credited. The content may range from practical to theoretical. It may be an artistic endeavor. It may be a critique or proposal. It may be a scientific exploration. It may call on a student’s ingenuity or it may entail physical labor. It may be something strongly conventional or it may be something quite daring and original. Any and all approaches are welcome.
Nominations of students must be made by either a UCSC faculty member, lecturer, staff member or project mentor, and submitted to the Provost of Rachel Carson College <>
Submission deadline: May 15th, 2025
Download the Fillable pdf or Word or Flyer.
If you have questions, please contact Rachel Carson College Academic Manager <>.